What do I wanna be? A writer maybe

I did some reading today about how to become a writer, it been something i been interested in for a little while. Some my nursing friends and I were wondering what else we do with our life’s if we weren’t nurses, my answer is always some more creative but i am not a great drawer or anything like that, i did mostly creative subject for a-level with 1 science, but then choose a science academic based career. I though about it lot recently and I think I would like to write, but there is that little voice in my head that says your writing no good and you would suck at that a) cause my self confident has alway been low and b) i am severally dyslexic. I had an example of how bad my dyslexia is the other day I was reading and came across the word tepid, though oh a new word, I’ll google it, read the definition that sounds like something I would know so hit play on the word and then it click, never had to read it before or spell it so never knew.

Back to becoming a writer, the blog i read was very helpful with tip of how to be a writer. The top tip and I heard lots of people recommend this is become a better read. I am a slow reader (the dyslexia probably contribute to this) but I have tried over the last few years to read more so this I will continue to do. Step 2 and 3 stood out for me.

Step 2, write every day. Again I had heard this but hadn’t really taken much thought but it right. I didn’t learn to be a nurse over night, we never learnt how to do multiplication or division straight away, it took practice and time. I always make excuses because I work such long hours as nurse, I don’t always have time everyday, but even just making 5-10 minutes instead of looking through instagram or facebook that could make the difference between getting better or never doing anything with it.

Step 3 was start a blog. Hello, we are here. I always toyed with and tried to start a blog but I have any idea and never follow through or just do the one off post. Part of the tip for this was just to write about anything on your mind, there so many things on my mind right now, from COVID-19 and stress of that working in health care, my in ability to work out what I want to do with my life either as a nurse or something else, my mental and physical health and what I could be doing to make that better, my cute little kitten (she not so little anymore), and the list goes on. So there plenty of things I can write about. I also try to creative write and guess sharping my skills by blogging is one way to make that easier.

I am hoping this blog is the start to me writing about how I feel, my opinions on the world, some information about health as that is my field and me trying find out what I wanna do with my life, but also in the progress becoming better at writing even if the stories I write just end up being for me.

So all being well this is just the beginning.

I copied in the link for how to be a write below if you want to give that blog a read too.
